MISMUN Through the Years

"Veritas vos liberabit"

The truth will set you free. These words are referred to as the guiding philosophy for MISMUN,the mere foundation for everything it stands for. Each delegate, journalist, caricaturist, and photographer has the paramount duty to represent the voices of the people.

MISMUN simply goes beyond what the human eye could hope to see and what the human heart could hope to feel. It is a bond, an emotion that binds us all together and instils in us a sense of responsibility for this world in which we live. What MISMUN stands for is togetherness,cooperation and growth. aiming to highlight the virtues of peace,goodwill,and love

E PLURIBUS UNUM: The Latin phrase that highlights the importance of collective identity or unity among people to achieve a greater result than that which would be individually possible is a key idea that represents what MISMUN believes in. When the people of this world stand united, there is a change for the better. MISMUN wishes to achieve this.

MISMUN is a community, a family, a coterie of people who strive to create a positive impact on the world by encouraging delegates to take actions while being mindful of the consequences. Fostering creative thinking as well as curiosity, MISMUN seeks to provide answers to real problems, being a simulation of daily life. The fact that these committee decisions or actions may affect countless lives and even change the interpretation of key events emphasises the magnitude of power that has been transferred to the delegates and holds them accountable for their words and gestures.

It stands for leadership, not domination. It stands for cooperation, not confrontation. It simply stands for who you are and what you believe in. It is a reflection of oneself.